
Showing posts from October, 2015

Low Cost Housing | moladi | Construction

Low Cost Housing | moladi | Construction  Low Cost Housing Low cost housing construction technology - Build a house a day with moladi plastic formwork system - Low Cost Housing   Keywords - Low Cost Housing, moladi, housing, low-cost construction, construction, building, building system, Innovative Building Technologies, Innovative Building Technology, formwork, Low-income housing  

Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi

Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi   Innovation dans la construction  le logement abordable   Réduire le coût de la construction de logements Construction et innovation Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi Logements économiques a grande masse - moladi -  masse Logements économiques - Coffrage - lodgement - maisons - novateur - construction de lodgements - Construction et innovation - Projets de logement économique - logements sociaux, Construction et innovation, Réduire le coût de la construction de logements

Making Housing Affordable | moladi

Making Housing Affordable | moladi  Affordable Housing - moladi Making Housing Affordable  Affordable Housing - moladi Making Housing Affordable COST SAVINGS moladi  is able to control costs better by consolidating the supply chain. Its kit concept ensures that it controls costs by sourcing almost all components needed for a building site in one go, ensuring better control over prices and costs. Furthermore, says Hennie Botes, “ the streamlined building process is designed in such a way that we can avoid expensive stoppages which are common on traditional building sites, where the builders have to wait for the electrician, then for the plumber, and new holes need to be drilled every time, wasting building material and time. Furthermore, “ during the design process, precise weight and volume calculations can be made for all materials and components thanks to standardization, which simplifies project management and drastically reduces the wastage factor on site. Finally, the...

Innovative Building Technologies | moladi

Innovative Building Technologies Innovative Building Technologies Innovative Building Technologies - Formwork Technology Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum - Rockefeller Foundation to showcase the South African designed and patented Innovative Building Technologies and formwork construction technology as an innovative solution to address the unprecedented growth of informal settlements globally, creating employment, developing entrepreneurs and housing the homeless applying new innovative financial structures creating sustainable developments   innovative building technology Keywords - innovative building technologies, moladi, innovative, building, technologies, technology, material, system, process, formwork, ibt, new, housing, construction, build

Innovative Building Technologies

Innovative Building Technologies Innovative Building Technologies moladi Innovative Building Technology   moladi produces a plastic formwork system to build housing estates faster better for less - Reducing Cost of Construction   Keywords NHBRC, CSIR, moladi, Agrément, South Africa, certificate, certification, approval, bank approved, FNB, ABSA, Standard Bank, Agrément Certificate, Innovative Building Technologies, Innovative, Building, Technologies, IBT