Dignity for the excluded - The base of the pyramid moladi - BOP Rental - Base of the Pyramid Rental The real mass market for millions of homeless people all over the world 16m ² - 20m ² - 25m ² or 30m ² room - From USD $1500 to produce a unit in a day - Employing unemployed local unskilled labour Dignity for the excluded - Housing the base of the pyramid Shack Fire Squatter Camp fires Shanty - Shack -Squatter - Home Shanty - Tin Shack World Economic Forum - Future of Construction Keywords - moladi, BOP Rental, Base of the Pyramid Rental, Base of the Pyramid, Rental, shack dwellings, urban slums, shanty, home, tin shack, zinc, squatter camps, Timber, Plastic, Zinc Shack, cold, Hot, Unhealthy Fire, Unsafe, rain, Leaks, possessions, stolen, security