
Showing posts from August, 2015

Habitação de baixo custo | Casas de baixo custo | moladi

Habitação de baixo custo | Casas de baixo custo | moladi Habitação de baixo custo casas de baixo custo moladi, Habitação de baixo custo, Habitação, Construção , Projetos, Desenvolvedores, Habitação de Baixo Custo , habitação de baixa renda , moladi , fabricante, paredes , construção, Habitação de Baixo Custo, tecnologia de cofragem , método, processo, sistema de construção , sistema de construção inovador , os projetos habitacionais de massa, baixo custo , habitação, de baixo custo , habitação, sistema de construção , sistema de construção inovador , os projetos habitacionais de massa, Tecnologia da Construção, projeto , desenvolvedores, cofragem, casas de baixo custo , casas de Baixo custo

Viviendas de Bajo Coste | moladi

Viviendas de Bajo Coste | moladi Viviendas de Bajo Coste Viviendas de Bajo Coste E l foco de moladi siempre ha estado en casas asequibles y de bajos ingresos o de hogares de bajo coste para el mercado masivo. Debido a las mejoras continuas durante casi tres décadas moladi ha surgido como un líder en el campo de los "productores" estructuras de primera calidad en un período muy corto a un precio reducido - Resultando en Viviendas de Bajo Coste   Para obtener más información sobre moladi visitar nuestro nuevo sitio web en Keywords - Viviendas de Bajo Coste, Bajo Coste Viviendas, Vivienda de interés social, sistema de construcción de bajo costo, la vivienda, moladi, encofrado, Tecnología de la Construcción

Housing: Affordable Housing

Housing: Affordable Housing Housing Housing The demand for housing has escalated tremendously over the last few years. Conventional construction cannot cope with the need to deliver housing projects in a short time frame - moladi construction technology addresses the key factors of affordable housing delivery low cost housing - low-income housing Social acceptance Affordability Speed of production Durability For more information visit Keywords - moladi, affordable housing, construction, building, homes, alternative technology, low cost homes, low cost housing, speed, homes, material, low cost housing, low income housing  

Affordable Housing: Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing: Affordable Housing Affordable Housing - moladi Affordable Housing The demand for affordable housing has escalated tremendously over the last few years. Conventional construction cannot cope with the need to deliver housing projects in a short time frame - moladi construction technology addresses the key factors of affordable housing Social acceptance Affordability Durability For more information visit Keywords - moladi, affordable housing, construction, building, homes, alternative technology, low cost homes, low cost housing  

Lightweight Formwork | moladi

Lightweight Formwork | moladi Lightweight Formwork The focus of moladi has always been on affordable and low-income homes for the mass market. Due to the continuous improvements over nearly three decades moladi has emerged as a leader in the field of “producing” top quality structures in a very short period at a reduced price, implementing the patented lightweight formwork system. The moladi system consists of a lightweight reusable and recyclable plastic formwork or mould, which is filled with stone-less concrete and a special admixture. The lightweight formwork can be reused up to 50 times. According to the founder Hennie Botes, the brickless walls can withstand all types of weather. The formwork is lightweight allowing easy transportation. Due to the simplicity in design and the repetitive application scheme, construction costs can be reduced significantly. The moladi model is not only cost-effective but fast, too. The wall structure of a house can be completed withi

Brick Built Homes versus Innovative Building Technologies

Brick Homes versus innovative Building Technologies Brick built homes do not fare well compared to new innovative building technologies Many Innovative Building Technologies (IBT) or Alternative Building Technologies (ABT) or non-masonry building systems, outstrip brick and mortar homes. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR ) rates brick homes 32nd out of 40 certified systems.  moladi - innovative building technologies moladi  uses reusable lightweight plastic formwork to cast walls in place or insitu. The technology speeds up the construction process reducing cost, making homes stronger and affordable. For more information visit CSIR - Brick Built Homes Report versus Innovative Building Technologies Injection moulded construction process - moladi vs. Brick and mortar Keywords - moladi, ABT, IBT, Alternative Building Technology, Building System, brick, block, non masonry, brick and mortar, new, CSIR, injection moulding process, construct